::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

sure or not????? is BACK (for me only~ left behind maa)

yeah1 i'm watching latte@8, on9 of course.

gile...aku mmg suke gle ah tgk lwk spastik Jlo tu. dr memula prgm tu kuar tv, mmg aku kalo boleh xmau miss la.. pastu lama dah xde. i heard they banned the show.. and i guess i now why..heh heh heh... yeah! this one i am 100% sure!!! haha

and now, the show rawks again! n jason seem a bit slimmer than the last time i saw him on tv. amal cara pemakanan sihat dah kot. :p

tonite show..yeah! i love it. they invited an/a ? anchorman from al jazeera..ala....news channel tu. wow..great conversation they had. jason with the slumberrness, makes the serious matter enjoyable to know. he cracked some jokes bout p_ _ L _ _ and dat made me laugh out LOUD!!! huhuhu

" well.....erm.......erm......" if u know the person wit this erm n ahhhh ...then u know what i mean la.
and also the "ekceli......"

then i got 1 extra knowledge, bush with his " yer know what?.." AHHA!

and i just addicted to latte back. i missed all the episodes from this season, and i think i want to catch up some of it,

~~~~ latte@8 marathon tonite~~~~~ wanna join????

** kdg2 xde sape gelak bila jason wat lawak. kesian.
but dun worry dude, aku mmg gelak gile bangang la sorg2..walopun nnt dibilang gila lagi..huhu