::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

is she okay??

salam sejahtera!

to anyone watch buletin utama last nite wud definitely shocked of what happen to a teacher in a school in perlis indera 'kayangan'. i'm seriously felt shitty all of sudden and all i can say...

" WHAT THE HELL?????????"

and nervous at the same time.. its too scary in the real world.
do i really prepared to face the reality? the 'openness'? the 'glokalisasi'? the 'friendliness' ???
how come they dare to do such things to a teacher.. in my time, even if i hate some of d teacher, definitely i wont do such harsh things..
they are sooo BITCHY! yeah...students nowadays..cant be treated like a kid. they absolutely hate that.

the new reality series in 8tv " field trip usa" sometimes kinda pissed me off lah..how come they comparing the education system in malaysia and us?? ... good facilities lah..'boleh mkn dalam kelas lah....' heh bdk tu xtau ke kat cni pon boleh mkn jgk...tp tgk cegu jgk la..:p !
i admit the systems there are good, but not all the approaches can be done here.it just impossible ..a really damn hard work needed for such changes.. i hope i can b a part of the team who makes the changes...for a better quality of education system here...in tanah tumpahnya darahku... :D
and so far, i nvr heard a single student say even a good thing about malaysian school.. are we that bad??
i'm wondering myself.... sigh~~~

erm....after a long pause to think about the tengking-tendang-cikgu-incident, i think we shudnt put all the blame to the students alone.. there must b something bout that teacher.. maybe she did 'wrong' to the girls..even the slightest one.. maybe shes too plain or too kind...or shes too fierce...or...she just a creature whoever could not stand... WHO KNOWS???
so...my question is.... is she 'okay'??


Anonymous October 16, 2008 at 11:51 PM  

Tengok sendiri perangai bakal cikgu kat UPSI(bukan semua).

1. Suka maki/carut.
2. 'Cikgu' perempuan bebas mengikut 'cikgu' lelaki ke mana sahaja walaupun pertemuan singkat dan beromen.
3. Kaki 'clubbing'
4. Bersekedudukan (tinggal laki pompuan sama2)

Yang banyak jadi macam tu adalah golongan saja2 apply UPSI. Kalau dah memang niat murni nak jadi cikgu sejak di bangku sekolah bagusla. Bila aku tahu macam tu, aku dah tak hormat institusi perguruan sebab perangai pun 2X5 lagi mahu didik anak orang. Jangan banding orang zaman skang kurang ajar berbanding org dulu. Sebab dulu2 punya cikgu mmg pekerti mulia dan sememangnya faham peranan guru. Siap mak ayah pesan kat cikgu dulu2, "kalau anak saya jahat, pukul saja". Skrng? "Kalau cikgu jahat, adik terajang ok". Sebab dah tak ada respek.

Institusi sekolah kat sini bagi aku tak cukup menjadikan pelajar tu betul2 manusia. Nak kejar A jer untuk dpt pingat anugerah. Contoh mudah, student suka beromen+tak solat+rambut perang suka dedah lurah = dapat A+(dapat anugerah markah tertinggi) untuk subjek Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Sunnah.

Lagi satu mentaliti cikgu-semua-betul sampai budak2 ikut jer menonong. Di tegurnya fact itu ckp kurang ajar. Budak2 tak jadi kreatif dan kritis. Pastu terlalu formal, ikut sangat format. Jawapan subjektif adalah mengikut idea dan kreativiti pelajar sendiri, bila buat karangan "autobiografi : aku sebatang pen", jgn hanya sekat kebebasan ending dia masuk dalam tong sampah dan aku dilupakan.

Tak kisah lah pelajar pun naik toceng. Sekolah aku dulu ada cikgu tumbuk budak. Ganas.

p/s: sebab komen ni takdak limit perkataan, aku tulis panjang2. Jgn marah.

nurul October 17, 2008 at 2:53 AM  

mesti cegu tu yg hampeh

k3i October 17, 2008 at 6:33 AM  

wahhh...dayah..hg knl ke cegu tu?? heh.