::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++


3rd raya:
ikot plan aku n bye nak g beraye pendang..tp sbb bye kna lapor diri n start keje dat day..kat hospital BM, so aku mls nk g memane la. i alredi invite aimi n dayah to come over..but aimi was too sick to raya. so i dun wan to force her lah.. and i tot since aimi is nt going to come, so dayah will not come anyway.. and at 2pm++ dayah called and said dat they're on their way to my haus.. what??? i'm dead! i just about to nap..hahaha..then..i went to Giant and get things to make pasta. that was the easiest thing and fastest thing that i think i can prepare for them. daging cincang in the fridge alredi..so, just get some cake and soft drink and rush back home.
i'm afraid that they cant take it..i mean the pasta coz it was too simple..but i'm glad kuzai said it was good..hahaha..
aimi also came..happy to see she get better and can come raya to my haus.
then we head over to raqib's, ustad's, zuhri's and lastly bye's. perut memboyot kekenyangan!!! blurrpppppPpp..euwww..nasty! hahahaha


4th raya:
nani bye n me went to pendang. aimi msk nasi..kami mkn je..huhu..perut lapar gile.. we met mat zaini, diyana n her hubby. wani n also alin.. dayah xsempat nak jmp cz she left to kl that morning..


Nurul October 5, 2008 at 11:00 PM  

sedihnya xdpt join hgpa ry 4 tu

k3i October 6, 2008 at 5:30 AM  

ala....smlm tu kan dah beraye sakan sampai tgh mlm...
xpa2..nex year kita ronda btoi2.naik vios aku lak..hahahahahaha..gelak cam reapers!!! hehe