::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

biadapkah aku?

cegu maznah dropped by b4 she get home.. i'm about to sleep..well..its 3 sumthing...plus it WAS hot n i need to get some refreshment after long hours in front my not-so-cool-acer! ihikss

amin told me bout her coming over..n i juz like...dudezzz! why it hv to be now??? i'm sooo damn sleepy. and i'm sure it'll not juz 5-10min..its gonna be a very2 Long talk between us. NO! correction..there is no me n her..no 2 way communication. it always only her, talking...bla bla bla...non stop! erghhh... thats why i dun really like OTT like her!!!! actly i'm kinda despise this kind of creature..keep telling stories (bad story)bout others, like they dun hv anythin else to do.

she was like;
" tau tak...bla bla..."
" ish...kak mls nak cerita..tp kan....bla bla bla...."
" kak xsuka la nak ckp mcm2, tp tu kan... bla bla bla..."

still dun get me? huh? go drown urself in sink full of water. NOW!!!

n as expected, she still do not understand the signs i've showed...to show how boring i am listening to her rubbish.. and for bout an hour.. i dun even serve her drinks.. hahahaha.. am i rude?? am i doing my very best to 'shoo' her away?? no lah... i told her

" cegu, sori la xde ape nak jamu..semua dah hbs. licin lincau!!"
and i'm not bluffing... dis year is the worst raye cz we dun make any kueh or biskut raye at all!!! semua tunjuk2 aje.. n 'kueh tunjuk' slalunya cepat habis. for 2 reasons, SEDAP n NOT SO MUCH in quantity.

" ehh....xpa la. bukan mai nak mkn pon..td dah mkn"

itulah katanya..

after she left.

abah: ish ish... xpatut btoi la..org mai umah..air pon x bagi??

and i juz..... TERKEDU! huuuuuuuuuuu

actly, i was hoping that she gonna leave after couple of minutes.. tp xsangka la kan, nak sembang lama lak.. n no one was home to make drinks.. n i dun 'dare' to leave her and talking all by herself..hehe.. lagipon, the alredi-there is only air nyok... but,i still remember her words..

" ish..kak x suka la minum air nyok. wat sakit badan ja nnt"

so, buat ape nak bg kalo dah trang tang tang org tu x suka kan..

hehehehe... coretan dr seorg yg pemalas..

p/s: mak ckp. kalo tetamu minum air kat rumah tuan rumah..terbasuh lah dosa2 si tuan rumah itu...iskhh..sesal x berkesudahan..:P