::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

how to say tata!

yep. boredom is one tiny word with one big meaning. lifeless. dats what i feel rite now.

most people would do something...anything to kill their time. so do i. i love to see old pictures..manage my folders.. download some new mv.. but most of the time, i buzzed some of frens from the YM list. those people who i like to hv conversation with, of course.. what moron wud want to spend their time listen to rubbish??
sadly, yea i know someone like dat. and i hv to reply back if they buzz me cz i dun hv enuff courage to b mean.

hum..after several stop-killing-me-with-all-the-crap minutes, i guess i really hv to back off b4 i say sumthing bitchy.. but the thing is, i really dunno know how to say 'hey i hate talking to you, can u pls shut ur fucking loud mouth?' nicely.
that s a very2 big problem y'know?

and to be super-duper-goodie-nice girl, i always said these as excuses:

" wei, mak aku panggil la. suh wat sambal belacan. nnt sembang len eh?" (bodo jek)
" wei, ko bz kan? aku xnak kacau." (padahal dia yg kacau aku)
" wei, bateri kong a. nnt aku buzz blk eh" (and i did not, of course!)
" wei, hg xngantuk ka?" --> slalunya they smell the hint.

erk..nice je kan?

that was some of the lines. but usually, i just left the mouse and let the status 'idle'..then i got some of the annoying buzz..about 3-4 buzzez. then i just say,
" hey, i really got sumthing to do la. we talk later k? see ya, take care"
juz ignore all the questions and move on.b invisible. ngee~~ i know, kinda rude. but hey, i need to excuse myself eventho i hv to be a lil meany.

i hope i can come out wit some other nice excuses.

** this cannot be applied to my good frens, cz i nvr being hypocrite to them. i juz saying, "oit. aku nak blah dah.bubye" thats it. ringkas dan padat. no need for repeating. no need to b decent. haha.

hard to say goodbye..

jukebox:~ carrie underwood- just a dream


nurul October 30, 2008 at 9:45 PM  

penah x ang buat lagu ni kat aku hah?pikir satt

k3i October 31, 2008 at 7:53 AM  


hg kan good fren of my peaceful mind??
