::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

orange juice,plzz~~

that teacher was teaching the boys...type of human cells. it was the 3rd class she's been teaching that topic. and the 3rd one lah really made her kinda blurry all of sudden and blacked out at the same time, but manage to handle with care~~

teacher : ....and this is sperm cell and can only be found in men. its a reproductive cell..which to produce offsprings.

boy : cekgu, itu air mani eh?

that teacher stumbled for a sec. yup, a sec. not more than that! she have to be fast.

teacher : eh, bukan! sperm is what contained in air mani.

boy : macamana tu cegu?


teacher : ala.... kamu penah minum air oren sunkist dalam kotak tu? yang ade cam bijik2 limau tu?(what the teacher meant is, the orange pulps)

boy : aaa..ok..

teacher : haa! camtu la..air oren tu air mani n yg cam bijik2 tu la sperm. paham?

boy : oooooooooo......


and she thought it will be over..she was dem wrong!

boy : cegu, yg ovum tu pulak?

teacher : yg tu kat perempuan je..sama la fungsinya cam sperm tu, utk lahirkan zuriat.

boy : so, yg tu darah haid la eh??


teacher : ehhh...bukan!!! darah haid tu darah la.. hishhh~~ ovum ni ada dihasilkan kat ovari, erm xpe..kang form 3 kamu belajar,k?

she need to stop that 'educating' conversation.

sampai skang aku still x pecaya yg budak kelas belakang yg akan tny dat kind of question.. and ape yg plg aku x percaya .. ..
tergamak aku buat perumpamaan jus sunkist dgn air mani?? dang!!!

p/s: that teacher is me, obviously~~.


nurul March 18, 2009 at 6:26 PM  

apala ang ni
mual pulak aku terbayang jus oren.

milley's mom April 2, 2009 at 5:06 AM  

kema.kema..air sunkist sama ngan air mani..ya ALLAH..ang ni..agak2 la..isk seriau aih nk minum air sunkist...yucks!!!..hahaha..nyway ang mmg rock..slumber je..