::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

bunga aku bistari

huhu..aku dah mula rs lain mcm.
apsal aku p s/alam every wiken ah?
sgt xde keje???!!
xpela..asalkan aku x asek memerap kat umh je.

erm...talk about bf.
actually, he was my bf.
WAS ok?
i think i told some of u bout him a lil bit.
we met in a club activity in UPSI couple years ago. we went to taman negara and our first conversation started there la..
he is ok...nice guy, tough guy...cute guy...and somemore good things which i cant recall. the friendship continued till we went back to upsi..
we did sms each other, call each other sometimes...and he even bring me a 'rendang kerbau' from his kampung. such a nice guy kan?
u guys know what? i dun really like it, and all my frens stop eating that after i told them it was kerbau punya daging...they say, euwwwwwww!!!
and he asked me whether i like it and did i finish all of it, and i said yes. hihihi..jahat kan? pdhal, rendang tu x terusik sampai la berkulat.
sampai ke hari ni aku rs guilty.huhu

but the thing is, the sparks is not there!!
i dunno why..
he nvr talk about love..about our r/ship and what is exactly our r/ship..and i am not very sure about it until now. can u believe that? and i just ignore and do nothing. we stopped contact each other after we're both got posted. sampai la kelmarin tu..insiden di cimb.

dan aku malas nak amik tau la...let gone be bygone...huhuhu

pssss: ms voice sms tgh glamer, he did send one to me and it sounds like this.

" wey kema, aku rindu la kat ko!"

hhuhuhuhu...berbunga x jiwa kamu kamu semua? hahaha


Md Zaini Zulkufli March 1, 2009 at 11:20 AM  

sedap x daging kerbau?..aku x penah makan..huhu..

p/s camna nak ada spark klu x ada sapa2 yg ketuk dulu..haha

k3i March 2, 2009 at 2:29 AM  

tak sodap langsung!
seriously, mmg xsedap..org nogori suka la..

herm...tu la psl, aku kena beli hammer nmpk gayanya ni..hhuu

milley's mom March 3, 2009 at 2:12 AM  

kema..siapakah gerangan die tersebut!!!nk tau jugak..

nurul March 4, 2009 at 8:17 AM  

ai, xkan xready lagi kot nak expose sipemberi daging kobau tu