::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

3 parts

" so, bagi sape yg x berpelajaran tinggi..nak cr duit, senang je. kawen cerai kawen cerai.."

wah wah wah...senang je mulut dia ckp camtu. selebriti yg xde kesedaran lgsg! even dia btol skalipon, xpyh bg statement camtu. seolah2 dia mengumpamakan semua org yg xberpelajran tinggi ni bodoh n dungu n hny boleh cr duit dgn cr yg bodoh je. ish ish..aku amat bengkek!
wahai melodi..sudah2 la tu menyingkap kekalutan. x mati la rsnya kalo program melodi ni dibanned.haha

***************end of part 1*************

niat nak pusing kl kali ni berjaya, walopun xbper sukses, at least kami berjaya sampai ke pusat bandaraya kl dan berselisih dgn bbrpa tempat yg agak glamer dgn memandu sendiri dan tanpa map dan tnpa tour guide..huhu

nak cr gombak, xjmpa sampai ke sudah, patah balik pj je la...haaha

*************end of part 2****************

i think it is confirmed already..and i hv to be the penyelaras for form 1 and form 2 athletes to MSSD. i'll be at the most 'hawt' place with 'hawt' things la...stadium..here i come! hahaha..

the work is easy as kacang. all i hv to do is just pantau their practice once or twice a week, manage them, the numbers, the drinks...etc. i think i can do that. yeah.malaysia boleh! so do i!

tomorrow.. the timetable is quite okay, n the lesson plan done already..no worries. just go to school..and teach as usual.
wait! sheesshh.. there! i forgot to remind 2K kids to bring the stuff to make 'kolaj'
erm..benjamin button's syndrome got into me again.~~