::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

23 yg maseh 17..

seronok je bila ingat zaman skolah dulu. xpayah pikir byk. pikir study je. kan kan kan...sape setuju angkat tangan...

aku br je pas bc seventeen. best gak. terbeli pon sbb dah xjumpa cleo. cam xpadan je..umor dah lps thap seventeen, tp bc gak..hhaha...jiwa mesti mau slalu young n fresh! pssst..sbnrnya aku bli sbb dapat beg free. hahah..kiut je. pe lagi, belasah la.

dalam byk2 kwn2 aku so far semua dah berpunya, bertunang, berancang nak kawen, beranak pinak, bergembira dengan bf keliling pinggang, berseronok dgn anak2 ikan mereka...isk lebey2 lak.
takde, maksud aku..semua dah ready berkomitmen lah..senang cerita!

skang ni, aku dapat spot 2 atau 3 org sj termasuk aku sendiri yg maseh memikul beban soalan yg berbaur sindiran @ terkejut(konon la..) ..seperti contoh:

"ala....xkan la xde...tipu lah" ---- laa...xde masa aku nk nipu korg la
" wahh...tipu gile kau!" sambil gelak besar. ciss
" tu la...memmilih sgt! sebat je la mana yg ade." pale hotak korang la weyy
" adek sudah, hg bila lagi" -- taik kucing btol!

pastu kwn aku sowang ni lagi la best.dpt ayat power punya.

" weih, teruk sgt ka trauma dulu2?" huh??mana ade beb! apa itu C.I.N.T.A pun xtau..lagu rock jiwang leleh tu aku tau la.

omg. pls la people. being single is not being alone. we still hv lots of things to do lah selain nak perabis air mata and x lupe kedit hset..
mmg la skit hati bile pikir2 balik, tp nak wat camne. belom sampai seruuu~~ hehehe
ade yg berkenan pon, ssh nk digapai..so, ape lagi tggu saje...

just wanna share :

" i feel like i'm a happy person but i'm still having trouble holding down a relationship. i end up feeling sad as a result"

pernah kamu rs begini?? here's the solution:

stay the course and keep the focus on YOU!
there is too much more to life than just boys and relationships! just keep trucking on, and take charge of your happiness. the rest will fall into place with time. ( and mostly when u least expect it!)

**taken from 17mag

********feel better?? no?
xtau la ape lagi sy nak ckp dgn kamooo..babai


nani January 24, 2009 at 5:02 PM  

babe :)
having a bf is not everything
but i pray for your happiness all the way :)

k3i January 24, 2009 at 6:19 PM  

huahua....aku rs cam pathetic sgt la pulak!

xpe, kang aku dah ready for things like dat..i'll make sure people around the world know dat. HAHAHA

nurul January 24, 2009 at 7:33 PM  

spot 2 atau 3 org sj termasuk aku sendiri yg maseh memikul beban soalan..


Hafizatul Akmar Hussin January 25, 2009 at 6:25 AM  

having a boyfriend is nothing-


having a husband is everything :)

daku pown single- wat tak tahu jek la-
dari dpt yg ntah hape2- bek single..lg beshh! :p

k3i January 26, 2009 at 12:51 AM  


tu main goal! husband yg boleh membahagiakan donia akherat...kan kan kan

p/S: sedari akmar,
mari join P.o.O.s (persatuan org-org singgel) hehe

nurul January 26, 2009 at 4:58 AM  

cup P.o.O.s aku nak jd finace advisor..
leh kumpol duit p vacation oversea!!

nurul January 26, 2009 at 4:58 AM  
