::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

nagging..whining...dat is all i know for now

feel shitty all day long..eh wait! its not just today. i already feel it since last week! what happen to me??? aaaaaaa~~~

its all start dat nite. dem. serious . i still cannot forget that one. and also my stupidity! how bad i want to go back to dat moment. wuuu~~~ but still..what to do? i tot i'll come to my sanity n recover from all dat bullshitting moments..but..it seems still haunting me... should i do sumthing bout dis? or should i do absolutely NOTHING?? yeahh..i noe, no one will understand what shit i'm blabbering 'bout..but dats oke. i prefer no one know...haha...it was sooo dem humiliating!! o goshhh! help me!

i'm still in swinging mood and i just want to slap everyone, pang pang pang! i want to punch everyone in front of me, dush dush dush!!! and i want to kick all mankinds!!!!!! erghhhh!!!!
all these unborn, unbearable burden burst last wednesday! never been so angry and never ever think about doing all dat...i think it s FINE! finally~~~
i let it go..... just let it go..no use to think 'bout PAIN.

tonite, now. i m in dilemma...should i do dis? or shud i keep still?? still hoping for ANSWER..
guess i need one more week to think 'bout it. huh~~