::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

Me, and my ice

I love crunching on ice…(I’m doing that rite now)… just love it x kire siang ke mlm ke…masa sejuk ke panas ke…masa mkn ke..masa tgk tv ke…can’t help falling in love with ice!!

there are sooo many people asked me why I like eating ice…they said ice is TASTELESS! “Baik ko mkn eskrem ke…sirap ke…air oren ke..” So, why the heck I love that tasteless thing?? Then I replied:

“ ntah. Aku pun xtau….yg aku tau..aku suke perasaan masa aku aku gigit ais tu…aku gigit gigit then, dia ilang!! Syok wooo… (pelik kah aku ini?)

Respond mereka yg bertny,:
“ hah?? Gile!”

Hahahha….whatever…what can I say,….

But, my friend once told me, or ADVISED me…, “weih, sukati ko la ko nk mkn ais pun…tp aku ckp kat ko ni…don’t u ever do that masa dating ngan bf ko nnt.”

Then I asked, “why??”

“ ala….jgn je la….xpyh tny byk.”

I was like, HUH??!!

And I’m still wondering…WHY huh?? ( naïve me..lol)