::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

1 november...(unposted till today)

HRNI, TEPAT 1 NOVEMBER...dgr citer halloween Day...yeh?? xtau pun..haha..br tau~ nway HEPI HALLOWEEN!!!

hr ini juge, tepat 1 november...aku dah start bace subjek kedua iaitu TBP: PLANNING $ IMPLEMENTING BIOLOGY CURRICULUM)...setelah seminggu aku spent masa bc animal physio. shj. URGHhhH..

tBP:subjek yg klasnye aku xkan bosan..ekceli...xboleh bosan! sbb, DR. MARIA~~~ huhu... who know her will know what i meant by dat..(*-*)... spnjg aku bljar ini sbjek, byk teaching skills yg aku tau...constructivism? mastery learning? co-operative learning? behaviorism? bla bla bla~~~ tapi itu suma TEORI semata2!!! walaupun lab hour 3 hours/ week...every week...but still, aku rs it 's not ENOUGH! praktikal itu penting...aku xcukup lagi ilmu amali mengajar nih...erm..tp xpe, aku rs i'll get mature with time kot...lots of experience will help...hope so!
kalo nk ikutkan...sejak aku bljr subjek ini juge, aku br nmpk cikgu2 kat maktab dulu sumer gunapakai teknik2 n skill yg aku br blaja.... i noticed that...but, some of my frens said that they dont even know before they learn n their teacher never used those techniques..hmm.... (thinking~~) so, i felt soooOO proud that MY TEACHER was far advanced! hehe...dah nama pun MRSM PDRM.....WUHOOO...caaya la!!

erm..harini, 1 november juge...
aku dah hbs donlod movie korea..(3 extremes) fulamak weihhhhh!!! mmg extreme...satu movie ada 3 ceriter.. 2korean+1japanese= collaboration movie, i guess!

movie 1: dumplings- citer pasal sorg aktress yg dah tua, nk jd cun n fresh smula..sbb husband si pompuan ini main kuda kepang...(tak la...main pompuan mude) dah x lyn si tua gersang ini....SAD~~~ habis madu sepah dibuang.so, to regain keremajaannya, she's willing 2 do anything....termasuk la mkn dumpling (sejenis kuih yg ada isi veggies+meat)...jeng jeng jeng~~~ guess what? daging tu daging fetus!!! hahaha baby yg xckup umor...lg mude lg fresh!!! euwwwww~~~~ dging dicincang2 lumat n disumbat dlm dumpling tu...ngehehe....

2nd movie- " CUT"cite pasal sorg direktor film n si istri yg diseksa oleh sorg psiko yg xpueh ati ngn director tu...sbb, director tu baik sgt...he got everything in his life..good looks+money+good career+good family+beautiful n successful pianist wife....that psycho xpueh ati sbb the director was SO DAMN lucky in his life!! just because of that..mm.....

3rd movie: BOX- aku xnak tgk lg sbb...takot!! hhehe...ana(my rumet ) dah tdo.. kalo aku tgk...tetibe ada someone join skali...cemana?? xmauuuuuu!!!!

deym~~~ ke'extreme'man nye xdapat disangkal, kerana:
1) scene berdarah x di'cut' lgsg!! (termasuklah scene 18++)
2) the blood seems real!!uwekkss
3) all the things (fetus+blood+dead bodies) all lah~~~ suma cam real bangang!!
4) tahap ke'psycho'an si pembunuh dan yg dibunuh GILOSS AMAT!! pelik n gross!!!
5) sound effect toksah cakap la....gile bangang spooky!!
sape nk tgk, silalah donlod sniri di laman web sperti yg tertera di bawah..
anda hny perlu men'search' nama movie ini" 3Extremes"
ADIOSSSslamat mengextremekan diri anda