::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

journey to ipoh

Today I went to ipoh…have to find the way to the school that I suppose to do practical there..yeah..we’re not going there and find the all the places by ourselves…we did bring someone that already familiar with the town…erm..she’s my cousin..tasha.(the prettiest among us, sheriff family.hahaha..and always the good girls…hm…) ..nuff said~~ the journey took about 1 and half hours…and i feel nothing actually.(I always got headache while traveling)…and this is good…(but, unfortunately, I’m feeling a lil’ bit dizzy rite now….)

Erk`~ but that is not want I want to tell now..back to the story…erm..about 9.45am, we arrived and entered the toll(ipoh selatan) ahah…I never been here…(dowh) and we just gambled….naim jez drove straight and we think we should just go straight until we see some buildings..or something like that lah…(meaning that we reached our destination lah)..and thank god..we saw TESCO….Then I’m sure that arrived safely…without being lost! Hehehe…
So, we decided to wait for tasha at JJ… (cewashhh,,,baru je skjp kat ipoh ..dah pandai ckp JJ…._i mean JUSCO)

I’m feeling too sick rite now..got to stop…….