::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

apa yang kurasakan ini.....


1. tomorrows' lesson plan.
2. mid term exam paper. paper 1, art form 2.
3. PEKA file. arrange them properly..erghhh!! troublesome
4. wash all the baju in the basket.
5. jog tomorrow morning. n days onwards. hope to see some 'candidates'.. ihikss :p



1. i got chance to drive vios.. on my very own. dem! i hold the stereng on my own pretty hand ..finally! the feeling? gosh!! tak terkata! but, seriously. i m not craving for vios anymore.. muahaha...way too small for me. kahkahkah. serius sempit!

2. i spent money soooo dem random! hahaha.. harap2 sempat sampai ujg bulan.

3. i kinda get a dejavu. i knew it beforehand~~ so it doesn't make me heart-broken and aku LEGA~~~

4. jiwa tak keruan. haruskah???

5. i got an interview on 12th next month..putrajaya. heh..i dun even know to get there. belasah je la.. erghh..malas gile nak membaca nota.

6. i ate cadburry just 6 hours ago. gile sedap! nak lagi~~~