::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++


a: hello

b: hello..ya, boleh sy bantu?
a: sy nak tau penempatan
b: ok, bg nombor ic
a: 850813-13-****
b: ooo, cik nor akma....smk lasal PJ
a: hah??? sorry??
b: ssss....mmmm.... k..... laaaaaa..... sallllllllll....PJ
a: owh, ok . smk la salle.
a: k. trima kaseh ya.

oooohhh my goodness!!!
aku dpt la salle pj!

if i'm not mistaken, its a boy school.

i tried to search any info of the school. i tot its gonna be everywhere since the school is quite famous.. tp habuk pon tarak! official website pun xmacam skool lain. in youtube,,yeah u'll see lotsa bunch of crap vids ...obviously the student sent them.. no help at all..

oh ya Allah..bantulah hambaMu ini...

i need to fix my english right away!