::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

dah 4 hari termasuk hrni aku sakit...sakit yg btol2..bkn main2.. seksa jiwa raga.. memula sakit tekak n batuk2 cam biasa je..pastu selsema cam bngang..hingus meleleh cair tanpa dpt ditahan2...

masa batuk2 tu aku xksah sgt sbb aku fikir boleh sembuh dlm shari 2..tp bile sakit tekak gile babun ..gatal..pedih..aku pun p beli asam jawa extra adabi.nk wat air asam la..lps minum mmg lega la..tp ujian lain melanda... ATHMA ATTACK!!!!
teruk! mmg teruk!! aku xtahan lagi!!!!!! agak hairan knapa suma ini terjadi??? dah la nk tdo kompem xleh baring..rasa cam nak mati..esoknya aku surf tenet nk usha the reason why i got this attack after so long... and i found out 'fruit juice' is one of the cause..werghh...if i knew tis earlier..then i went to see doctor akbar. i asked him bout the 'fruit juice' matter..and he said, 'ooo...mungkin la..tp sebb sejuk je kot ni..." aiya...jwpan yg xmemuaskan dr seorang yg brgelar doktor.

malam tu lepas berbuke aku pon makan la ubat yg berpeket2 tu...MAK!!!! xrela nak telan seme ni.. sememangnya aku adalah ANTI-DRUGS yg tegar!! paracetamol is a big NO-NO! and of course i didn't take it..kill me or what.i 'll nvr take those.. its only for losers! hahaha...
aku telan ubat sesema, ubat batuk and anti-biotik..thts it! n ubat for athma.. small one..but th effect??? sooo freakin crazy! lps telan ubat athma tu...in 5 min or less.. i can breath easier, but my hands, legs shakin and i couldnt do anything...believe me! all i can do is sleep...
i sleep like a baby...but only last for 2hrs...suddenly i' m feeling like choking...wek wek wek.... i throw out a pile of undgested foods...eeuwwwww.....