::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

1 percent is enuff

currently im watching '1 percent of anything' a kdrama.. really old one..but nvr mind coz VEOH offer a very good quality video.. and what's bugging me, not really lah... i'm the only one among the online drama/movie junkies is able to watch VEOH. my other frens still cannot even open the website.. they says that

"veoh is no longer available in Malaysia'

so, where the heck i'm living dudezz?? haaha..maybe i'm the 'chosen' one... or should i say... THE ONE? like in the matrix?? hahaha..so that way i can b with keanu reeves lah?? huhu...stupid!

last nite i posted an entry..a bit controversial...then after not more than half an hour..i deleted it..haha... i always write anything comes to my mind without thinking deeply..i nvr corrected even thegrammar...i just dun wan to, but hehe..last nite sumthing really scare me..i dun think i wan to explain this one.. it juz about peoples perception if they read those.. i dun want people misunderstood of what actly i want to tell... so better i keep that for me only...

speaking of the drama.. dayah and i hv this conversation again..this evening... ( sorry, i mention ur name again)
the heartless plus sweet romantic... she claimed she met one..unfortunately taken!!! demmit kan?? suratan takdir la tu...

my choice is... bad plus 1% of soft side... that will really turn me on!! kahkah... the ' 1%of anything' sumkind explained how the guy is...but the lead actor is not rally that bad..he juz got this bad temper...;firecracker- his nick-given by the lead actress...huhuhu... ala...watch it by rself la if u wan 2 know more, ok? try open the www.veoh.com. if u can open the site..then it tells either this 2:
- u live outside of malaysia, in a country that veoh is available
- u r just like me..KAHKAHKAH...the chosen aka insan terpilih :p


nurul September 7, 2008 at 5:47 PM  

i actually don't even know whether that "bad plus 1% softside" is taken or single la kema.But that is the better way to keep in mind he's already taken. Nnt takla sakit hati..

nurul September 7, 2008 at 8:31 PM  

what does it means by k31.just curious

Anonymous September 8, 2008 at 8:51 AM  

haha..ye ke?
if dt so...try ur luck lah..hahaha

k3i? means nothin..juz a nick