::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

belajar solat

Solat is the most important thing in a muslims life. I think a good person is just not nice enough ..solat will make someone better. Don’t you think?

Today the kids learn how to perform prayers. Solat subuh specifically..they already have been taught, so its not really hard to do the ‘practical revision’. They still can memorize all the prayers and the surah in a solat, so its not the problem…Cg maznah and me just have to ‘perbaiki’ some position, the body posture…u think easy huh?? So damn hard coz their kaki was sooo stiff and I have to tarik and put the kaki in the right position! the Sujud? Far tougher!!! Macam2 jenis tonggek ada…katak cam dlm kungfu hustle pon ada! Erm..overall…I think they did well for 5 and 6 yrs old..

U know what.. I think they was so lucky coz they learn how to solat in such at young age.. as for me, I got the “nur” only when I was in standard 4. That was the time I really took solat seriously. Because, the school was in evening session, all the students are given time to solat…and all go to surau. And so am i..but the bad is, I don’t now how to. Hehe..its not like my parents never teach me..it was me that soo lazy to learn. For the time being, I just follow what my friends did…hmm.. But then I think, this cannot be like this forever. So I search fardhu ain’books and try to hafal all the things..the basics already there, I just need some reading and of course practice to brush it all ‘shiny’! and starting 12 I made myself a better muslim .i pray 5 times a day n nite..and till now, i still do the routine. Alhamdulillah~~ so, my teacher was always right. She said that if we start to complete the solat for 40 days in a row, don’t worry, InsyaAllah..we will never fail to do so, coz it will becomes the part of us. Believe me!