::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

working on sunday makes me feel sooo bad! really bad!!!!
when people resting at home...i'm sitting and thinking and dreaming...hahahaha...no customers...means no works till the end of the day...we have to do the account for the day. doing that thing everyday makes me a better 'accountant'! hahaha practice makes perfect! that a perfect sentence which describe my situation rite now...if i'm not willing to learn....hmmm...

* aiaya....kakak ni..time aku dok syok layan tenet ada je kejenk suh aku wat
masa aku dok tggu dia...dia dok syok wat menda lain...uihh geramnye...


Md Zaini Zulkufli May 15, 2008 at 9:53 PM  

uih smpt lg ang tenet time keja..haha..multitasking habis..