::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

hari yg ~~~

24th may

Last nite, I went home..rempit n redah ujan yg renyai2 bahasa..i don’t care!! I want to b home no matter what… I can’t stand it anymore..they treat me like pendatang tanpa ijin je…ingt apa?? They think its easy for me to go back n forth from penang to perai??? Don’t they realize how dangerous it can be…each day kena rempit sna sini naik feri trun feri…warghhhhh!!!!!!!so, yesterday I jez made my mind…BALIK UMAH! TITIK! So, I went home n sleep starightaway after took a shower…hah…not forgetting, abah took me to hussain nasik kandaq before we go home...ermm…yummy…thanx abah..cam tau2 je aku kebulur tahap cipan dah smalam…I didn’t eat anything except a bun for the whole day…what can I do? I’m all alone, I cant close the office ..even if I want to…I cant because the customer always in the cc..aiya…xkan nk halau lak? Hoho hebat gak smalm dat I can ctrl my bladder..

25th may

Pagik2 lagi dah bgn…wahhh..malasnyer!! kalo x kerana duit..nak je aku layankan je tido..so far aku rs tido lah nikmat yg x terhingga NIKMATnyeeer..so, abah hntr sampai bus station…elok2 je aku sampai bus pun nk jalan..so good! Sampai b’worth…ramainye org dah bgn..msg2 sure cr rezki kan? N I ‘m the one among them…never realized that waking up early can really make our life meaningful…at least I try to look how’s life from others perspectives.. like what they said..put myself in other people shoes? Hehehe…everyone having their responsibilities..so am i..

kak ija gabra giler masa aku ckp nk blk umah mlm td..dia takut aku bengang ngn company then quit…hoho I’m not dat STUPID lah ….dun worry…I’ll think bout dat if I got my pay olredi…hahaha.. this week pny prestasi sgtlah merosot..dr 8 org yg daftar…only 3 showed up dis morning..giler hape dorg ni…dah x kompem nk dtg…apsal g register nama? Wat susah org je…bazir reg form je…apa bangang tolol pny manusia la! (huhu bengang dah ni)

bout 11 am. My brother called n told me that 2 of our cousin got into car accident and one of them got killed!! Omg!! I really not expecting this kind of news in this calm morning.. they’re among closest cousin of mine…so sad~~~ I don’t have the details yet..and i cant go to see coz my mom didn’t allow me…ayang(my sis) btau yg jenazah tu mgkin xkan dbwk blk ke rumah, trus kebumi,,Masyallah…aku agak msti teruk accident tu… after this, I’m sure. Damn sure..mom will not allow me to drive to PD..waa…habisla planning gathering tu…hukhuk…hopefully I can slow talk to her n try to find someone really dependable(to drive of cos)…

Al-Fatihah utk Arwah Syakinah….
syakinah n me on syakila wedding day