::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

bad start~~

The day started damn annoying!! This lady came straightaway I opened the iffice… owhh..pls lah…aku xsempat nk duduk lagik! Then she started nagging….

“ I already came about 10..and the office dun even open yet? Why?”

“sorry mem, I got lost lah on da way coming here…”

“ ok, nver mind..”

And what? She got soo many question to ask… actly she want to register her daughter for computer lesson…
and on that horrible time tu jgaklah….the staff from HQ(kak ilah) asked me to go to jetty back to get the sijil dat I left in Perai last nite…ok..it was my fault…but hey…xkan lah xboleh tggu esok je? Xmati lah kalo sijil2 tu xde kat cini shari…and I’m pretty sure neither of the customer will complaint!

I said…ok lah..but then when kak nor called, I told her… dun want to go actly…leceh lah~~~ then u know what??? she told kak ilah what I said to her…and after dat kak ilah called me again and

“ ok lah….x payah lah pegi kalo dah susah sgt! Kalo xnak cakap je x nak…lain kali ckp direct je kat akak..xpyh ckp kat org lain..ok?”

And I was like…

“ huh?? Owh..ok” shit!! And I’m the one who get scolded!!!

And u know what ?? the morning getting worse when I forgot to ask for registration fee for the computer lesson!!! BAD LUCK! And she already left~~ ahh nvr mnd lah…I’ll ask for dat later when her daughter come for the lesson…I’m not soo worried bcoz she already pay 170 for the lesson..xkan lah dia xnak dtg smula kan kan kan??

* I going to quit anyway at the end of this month..erm…I cant stand anymore working here. TITIK!


nani May 29, 2008 at 8:17 PM  

alah..siannye..dun worry..u nk benti dah kan? huhu