::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

mid year sonata 2

actually, aku sgt tak paham kenapa budak2 lspj tak dibenarkan ke toilet ms exam.
aku sgt serius ni...aku mmg tak paham..

fyi, boys cant hold their urge to pee because of some reason.( the urinary tract things..)

and fyi once again..lspj is a boy school. boys are full of energy, they play so hard..they like running here and there--they drenched with sweats(euww~). then
they drink a lot when they tired..plus the weathers' quite hot n sunny.
they drink, drink and drink till the bladder couldn't take it anymore..
that SMALL BUSINESS which they really need to do.

so, masalah skarang..aku sendiri tak sanggup nak kata 'TAK BOLEH' bila diorg mtk ke toilet. mmg sadis...tgk muka berkerut2 tahan nak kencing. sampaikan ada satu tahap tu, budak K ni tak tahan sgt2.sampai terkepit2...
aku takut nnt ade kes budak form 2 kencing lam kelas pulak nnt, so aku keluar tgk kiri kanan...tgk PK ada ke tak..

then aku tny,

" betul ni?? urgent??"
--> betulllll~~suara dah terketar2. urgent teacher..ur--gent~~~
"ok, go now, quickly!"

he off like a superman in action. haha.

i feel like a saint that moment for letting a human being do the 'thing' hehe~~

but thats not for long.
she came. demmit!!

"why you let the boy go to the toilet?"
--> i let only one boy. he cant hold it anymore la.
" how do you know theres only him in the toilet..there might be boys from the other class..then how do know they will not talk to each other??"
--> shit!! i can see clearly the toilet from here... (obviously, aku ckp dlm hati je)

aku diam buat muka tak bersalah.

"next time dont do this"
--> ok.

** kalo takut sgt budak2 tu meniru..letak la pak gad sorg kat toilet tu. habis cerita! gila apa nak tahan2 kencing?! kena batu karang baru tau.

***takde maknanya nak halang pegi toilet atas sbb takut dorg discuss. kalo aku bg tgk kertas soklan sehari awal pun, belum tentu dapat jwb esok harinya...hmm...