::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

my month....AUGUST

today is the 1st day in august....i juz love how it sounds..

1 ogos 2008

1st august 2008


nice huh?!

mungkin sbb bulan ni bln kelahiran kot.. many things will happen this month. and i hpe everything will go smooth...

2nd aug - there will b ansara gathering in kl..n many of my frens gonna b there n the thing is,..i can't make it. uhuuuu... its okay. wait till i get posted and having a stable life then i can go meet them anytime i want.

13th aug - will b my birthday.. i got a present already..not really actly..my good fren, bye gave me this kind of shirt..or should i say it dress? cz its kinda girlish a bit..nvr mnd..i luv it n appreciate it sommush.

16th aug - my graduation day..i really hope that day gonna b the most memorable day in my life even i already experienced how graduation feel in mrsm back then. i get myself this ' hijau lumut' pny kain psg to make a kurung pahang for the graduation. i even bought the beads to put on the baju...huhu...it must be grand lah! i wan it to b grand n happening..haha..shining all over the place..till peoples get blind wwhen they see my baju..hahaah.. padahal bile pakai robe bkn nmpk baju sgt pon..ujung tangn n kain je yg nmpk pon..tp xkesah lah..yg penting i enjoy!!!

a week in aug - school break!!!!! yeayyyyyyy!!!

p/s: kasut x bli lg ni...shud i get a boring black full covered shoes or a trendy bright color heels?? hehe...


A Voice August 7, 2008 at 10:21 PM  

Perhaps this would interest you ... KPMM 2008: ANSARA Mahu Terokai Persoalan DEB.

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