::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++


sorry guys and sorry to me as well.... haha...quite a time,huh?
cant get on9 anytyme i want anymore cuz i quit the job already and sadly speaking my home got no internet connection,,,yet..planning to.

ahhh..forget bout the job! dun want to look back the times..the hellish time no more! huhu... sleeping and watching tv at home was sooo much pleasure lah! haha...

yesterday i just got back from aimi's house...(cik mah wedding day) erm.. this time pny suasana a lil bit different coz belah pompuan more meriah..but i felt a lil awkward...(i'm the only fren of aimi..the rest of my frens cant make it~~~)...the last time rumah aimi ada kenduri..is about 3-4 years ago..i guess. her bro got married at dat time...i had soo much fun back then coz bye was there..dayah..ayat...erm..(refresh the sweet time together ma...)

still looking for a job rite now! someone? can u pls help me??huhu

* 1st time tersekat dalam jam. nak isi minyak pny pasal la ni..hahaha..almost 1++ hours gak la...yg lwknya org lain semua berebut2 isi full...but i only afford to fill 25 rgt aje...coz its all i got ( br blk dr umh bye..tgk pics engagement die..sweet!)