::the playground::

+++ it's all about proximate & ultimate +++

raya la...

its RAYA!!!
and i do nothing except, pushing and pulling some stuff in front of ayang's pc. its kinda hard la using desktop when i already get used to laptop..hahaha...poyo gilos!
soo glad abang bring along his celcom broadband. so, i can use the internet. streamyx got cut again!!! aiyaaa... no one pay the bills when i'm not home..huhuhu..

cant wait till everyone get ready and ready to pull the chair and start eating. mak punya rendang is irresistable. yummy! super delicious. eventho, i nvr a haji or hajjah. i want 2 celebrate this raya as happy as i can. i want to go 2 my goodi frens haus..wanna see them badly..miss them sommush.

p/s: giler tgk csi ni.24/7 kalo boleh nk ngadap pc.huhu


Anonymous December 25, 2008 at 5:40 PM  

makan + inet mmg resepi tuk pelebaran bentuk badan!